About SimuFísica®

The SimuFísica1 platform is a collection of computer simulation applications for research and learning in Physics and other sciences, which can be used as support in the High School and Higher Education classrooms.

At the moment there are basically two types of applications: computer simulations, which aim to simulate various physical phenomena, and virtual laboratories, which aim to reproduce data obtained from experiments carried out in teaching laboratories.

SimuFísica® is an ongoing project that began in mid-2020. The project has several collaborators within the Physics Department of the Federal University of Rondônia, including professors and students of Scientific Initiation, Technological Initiation and Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching.

Current version: 1.11 (15/11/2024)

About the developer

Marco Polo Moreno de Souza is a physicist at the Department of Physics at Federal University of Rondônia (Campus Ji-Paraná) since 2013 and leader of the research group Structure of Matter and Computational Physics. His areas of interest are Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics and Optics (experimental), more specifically nonlinear optics, including generation and modeling of wave mixing and investigation of other coherent processes in atomic systems induced by continuous lasers and ultrashort pulses. He also has experience with high-performance computing involving parallel processing on CUDA cores on Nvidia GPUs.

Contact email: [email protected]

Homepage: https://marcopolo.unir.br/

1 SimuFísica is a registered trademark at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). This project has financial support from CNPq (National Council of Scientific and Technological Development, process 304017/2022-1), from FAPERO (Foundation Rondônia to Support the Development of Scientific and Technological Actions and the Rondônia State Survey, protocol 36214.577.20546.20102023) and the UNIR (University Federal Government of Rondônia, process SEI 23118.006316/2024-79).