Get SimuFísica in app stores

Download SimuFísica from the Federal University of Rondônia repository

Installation files

Windows (x64)

MacOS (arm64)

Linux (.AppImage)

Linux (.deb)

Previous versions

Possible installation problems


Windows often prevents the installation of applications from unknown sources. To work around this problem, proceed as illustrated in the image below.


The installation of SimuFísica occurs in the usual way, without problems. However, access to the application may be prevented, as per the message in the figure below.

In this case, just open the MacOS terminal and type the following command line:

sudo xattr -rd /Applications/

Then open the file normally by double-clicking its icon.

Note the location where the SimuFísica application is located. If it is in a folder other than the default folder Applications, change the last part of the command to /novoCaminho/


For the file in AppImage format, it may be that, when clicking on it, the system opens a dialog box stating that the file type is unknown. In this case, perform the following steps:

Open the terminal and go to the folder where the file is:

cd Downloads

Continuous act, type

chmod u+x simufisica-x.x.x.AppImage

Then open the file normally by double-clicking its icon.

If you have any questions or other problems, please contact [email protected].