The calculation takes into account the tariff flag and the public lighting fee.
The values of the tariff flags vary from time to time, as determined by ANEEL. The values readjusted on the day
06/29/2021 can be accessed via
ANNEL website.
There are also federal and state taxes to be levied on the fare value.
The value of the public lighting fee varies from municipality to municipality. In the case of Porto Velho, its
value can be consulted at
your city hall website.
The value of the electricity bill is given by the following equation:
\text{Value} = (\text{Cons} - \text{Gen}) \times \text{Price} + \text{Ilumin} +
+ \dfrac{\text{Cons}}{100} \times \text{Band} \times (1 + 0.01\times \text{Impos})
$\text{Value}$: Amount of the electricity bill.
$\text{Cons}$: Monthly consumption, in kWh.
$\text{Gen}$: Monthly generation via solar panels, in kWh.
$\text{Price}$: Price per kWh, including taxes.
$\text{Band}$: Increase due to the tariff flag.
$\text{Taxes}$: Taxes in percentage units (ICMS + PIS + Cofins).
$\text{Ilumin}$: Public lighting contribution rate.
Instantaneous consumption does not take transient power into account. In
some household appliances, the energy power consumed is initially
very high, until it stabilizes after some time. In other words,
This application only considers the energy use of devices
after they reach steady state.
There are no guarantees that this application will provide the exact amount of your electric bill.
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