This app shows the evolution of the wave function of a particle that is in the following state of quantum superposition:
\Psi(x, t) = \Psi_+(x, t) + \Psi_-(x, t),
\Psi_{\pm}(x, t) = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{ 2\sqrt{\pi}\sigma(t) }} \times
\times exp\left[ -\dfrac{(x\pm x_0 \mp vt)^2}{2\sigma_0\sigma(t)} \right] \times
exp\left[ \dfrac{\pm imv(x\mp vt/2)}{\hslash} \right].
The vertical axis of the graph represents $| \Psi(x, t) |^2$.
The resulting interference pattern is analogous to what is observed in the double slit experiment with electrons.
Parameters: $\sigma(t) = \sigma_0 + i\hslash t/m\sigma_0$, where we consider $\sigma_0 = 1$.
The unit system is arbitrary and was chosen only to make visualization easier.
Starts or pauses the simulation.
Restarts the simulation.
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